Thássia Naves



Good morning my dears!

Is it everything all right with you?! I’ve been missing these days because this week has been very busy!

I traveled to SP for a very special job, and I’m already in Verona and I’m loving this adventure over here (I’ll tell alitle bit more in another post, okay?!)

Today I will talk about my last weekend which was more than perfect. The marriage of Raisa and Fritas, two dear ones for me and my whole family!

The party was wonderful, with an unforgettable energy and she was radiant and beautiful.

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Everything was impeccable, from Dannilo’s decor to all the ceremonial details of Elizeu Rocha! These two always rock!

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But now take a look at the bride’s mother dress Raquel, and bridesmaids are of Pat Bo! Beautiful isn’t it?!

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Of course I have to show you guys my outfit, right?! The dress is Fabulous and Goldesign jewelry, did you like it?!

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Xoxo xoxo