Thássia Naves


Outfit of the Day: Tricot Long Dress | Galeria Tricot

My dears, good morning!

People who have been following me since the beginning of the blog know that I love wearing knitting parts, especially dresses, right?! They are my style and I cannot live without them!

The Tricot Gallery always makes dresses that are a success, and this is long dress is also one of them. It’s wonderful, isn’t it?!

It is super versatile, looks really great with high heels and flats, and a more sophisticated handbag. I chose the one that was in the same tones of the outfit.

Vestido Colorido Longo_Galeria Tricot_Thassia Naves_2Vestido Colorido Longo_Galeria Tricot_Thassia Naves_3Vestido Colorido Longo_Galeria Tricot_Thassia Naves_1

Dress – Galeria Tricot {dress S, CLICK HERE!} | Handbbag – Hermès | Glasses – Otica Salathiel

Did you like girls?!

Xoxo xoxo