Thássia Naves



Gucci and its surgery center!

It’s so special to be here and have this experience. It is amazing how each season, brands can exceed expectations, surprise and stirs emotions!

Believe it or not, the atmosphere of the Gucci show was a hospital, models walked between hospital beds and surgery room equipment. Fantastic!

The idea was to create fabric, with a vintage vibe and break standards between: natural x artificial, feminine x masculine, and it was amazing, genius and inspiring. I could talk about this show forever, seriously! Hehehe.

On the runway, heads, puppies and several elements that I thought: ‘Guys, is it real?!

cabeças, filhotes de dragão

Of course, a lot of pattern mix, layers and oversized jackets.

mix de estampassobreposições

maxi casacoAnd the see-through jacket that resembles the medical coat.

jaleco transparêntes

There was volume, see-through, ruffles, layers, plaid and stripes. Beautiful long dresses, impeccable suits, as usual! An amazing SHOW!


To comprehend better the aim of the show, you should take a look at ‘A Cyborg Manifesto’ by Donna Haraway!

So, did you like it?! Bisou, bisou!