Thássia Naves


Thássia in Paris: Paete Outfit

I love this opportunity that the international fashion weeks give me to create these daring productions. I do all of this to get the most out of fashion information for you guys!

I always try to draw the majority of the trend that I see, and apply it on my outfits in order to inspire you guys. Let’s be more open to these new ideas people!

So far I am in love with this composition of mesh + sequins + shoes. I’ve told you already that sequins can be used during the day. The tip is, do the compositions with casual pieces, like I’ve done on this outfit and I loved the result!

The sequined midi length dress of Isabela Capet is wonderful; I was so inspired that I made something on the shoelaces that was very charming! A simple but striking detail.

And you did you like it?!

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Thássia em Paris_Alta Costura_Look Paete

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Dress – Isabela Capet | Handbag – Gucci | Tennis – Puma by Rihanna

Xoxo xoxo