Thássia Naves


Thássia at Disney: Hollywood Studios!

Hello my loves, good morning!

For those who follow me on Instagram, you probably know that I am at Disney World on vacation, recharging and having so much fun with my family!

I’ll try to share with you a little bit, but I spent here so many days and there are so many attractions hehehe. The Disney’s Hollywood Studios, is the smallest Disney Park, but, in my opinion, it’s worth the visit.

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The theme is cinema, is beautiful, there are lots of concerts, plays and movie attractions. The best thing about Hollywood Studios is that the park pleases the whole family, there’s from Aerosmith roller coater until activities for kids. It’s amazing!

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So, there are many many thing to do there! The Star Wars land and Toy Story are the best, don’t miss it! And there’s always something new. The place is magical!

Did you like it to get to know more about my days here?!

Bisou, bisou!