Thássia Naves


Ulyana Sergeenko | Haute Couture 2016

Born in Russia, the designer Ulyana Sergeenko often uses the history of her country as material and ispiration for her creations. She learned from her grandmother how to sew when she was a child, more by necessity than by simple taste. “We had to sew our own clothes, it made me love fashion,” she says. As everybody can easily see she does magic with the fabrics. Let’s go to the fashion show!

Pop gloss with metallic wires on wonderful lames tissues!



A mix of solid and striking colors worked in a lot of tailoring, from short to long length, maxi coats and amazing dresses.


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As I said at the beginning, the brightness has dominated the catwalk, but no embroidery, glow on the fabric, everything was so modern and fashion.

Even vinyl was used in the collection.



The overalls were also beautiful, sweaters, fetishists parts, the face of winter. The modeling was broader – something that I believe will make a difference on the fashion scene as a whole.

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I also saw a lot of fluids and the collars were very diverse, from high to low necklines.

The shoes, with and without heels, were accompanied by stockings and were very colorful.

Another reaffirmed point in this collection is that the shoes are more male closet, which I have loved.

And you guys, did you like the first show of the season?!

Xoxo xoxo