Thássia Naves


Shoulder to shoulder dress | Iorane

Hi loves, good morning!

Let’s start this Wednesday with a super feminine outfit?!

I loves this style with a shoulder to shoulder neckline, it brings sensuality to the outfit, focusing on the shoulders, that are the highlight! Isn’t it!?

At the same time, it is light and feminine, because of the fabric and the midi lenght! Also, it is perfect for warmer days! Stunning right?! Check it out:

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Processed with VSCO with c8 preset
Processed with VSCO with c8 preset
Processed with VSCO with c8 preset

Processed with VSCO with c8 preset

Dress – Iorane | Sandals – Alexandre Birman | Handbag – Chanel | Jewelry – Marcella Bahia

So, did you like it?!

Bisou, bisou!